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 标    题: 宏观调控下的农地规模经营补贴制度
作 者: 郭继
单 位: 淮阴师范学院
文章类别: 法学
关 键 词: 农地规模经营; 直接补贴制度; 法经济学; 法社会学
中文摘要: 市场机制下的农地规模经营以从事高效农业为目的,而直接补贴制度致使传统农业的规模经营成为可能。直接补贴制度所引致的传统农业规模经营并未实现确保国家粮食安全及农民整体收入增加之宏观调控的总体目标,反而产生了财政补贴的大量耗费、〖JP3〗农民收入的再分配效应及农村不稳定隐患等不良后果。为了提高农地规模经营补贴制度的有效性,农地规模经营激励制度应变直接补贴制度为间接补贴制度。
英文摘要: The market mechanism in the farmland scale operation in efficient agriculture as the condition, and direct subsidy system causes of traditional agriculture scale operation possible. Direct subsidy system dominance not realize traditional scale farm management to ensure food security for the nation and the entire income increase the overall target of macrocontrol, instead produced plenty of cost, financial subsidies farmers' income redistribution effect and rural bad consequences, such as unstable hidden trouble. In order to improve the system of farmland scale operation effectiveness of subsidies, farmland scale management incentive system direct subsidies for indirect strain system of compensation system.
作者简介: (1967-),男,安徽六安人,法学博士,淮阴师范学院法学院副教授,中南财经政法大学中国农村土地法律制度研究中心兼职研究人员,研究方向为农村土地法律制度、民商法学研究。





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