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 标    题: 德意志宪政窘境与黑格尔宪政抉择
作 者: 尹峻 高文新
单 位: 浙江工业大学 吉林大学
文章类别: 政治
关 键 词: 宪政思想史; 德意志; 黑格尔; 君主立宪制
中文摘要: 黑格尔的宪政思想不是附庸欧洲君主复辟潮流,而是面对时代精神冲击时的理论反应。他通过对德意志宪政窘境的考察,结合法国大革命的宪政经验,将开明君主传统与自由的时代精神相结合,为德意志民族设计了立法权、行政权与君权相统一的国家政体,即君主立宪制。
英文摘要: Hegel′s Constitutional thoughts did not follow the trend of the restoration of monarchy in Europe. It was the theoretical reaction to the impact of the spirit of the times. Through his study of German constitutional dilemma and the constitutional experience of the French Revolution, he combined the enlightened monarchical tradition with the free spirit of the times, designing a form of government unified with legislative power, executive power and monarchical power for Germany, that is constitutional monarchy.





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