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 标    题: 论知识的现代性丕变
作 者: 余乃忠
单 位: 长沙理工大学
文章类别: 科技与人文
关 键 词: 现代性; 知识; 精英; 权力
中文摘要: 认知主体的公共性叙述了现代性社会的“公正”。知识从独立性认识对象经过模块符号化、意识形态化、定制商品化、象征资本化、媒体角力化和游戏竞技化流转为一种象征性意义结构的符号系统。知识的象征性丕变再现了不在场的在场。知识再生产演化为政治策略抑或“特殊理性”的再生产,知识亦成为精英阶层巩固其既得利益的防护工具。
英文摘要: It is the publicity of cognitive subject that clarifies the justice in modern society. The knowledge has varied from cognitive object of independence to the symbol systems of symbolic structure through module symbolization, ideologicalization, customized commercialization, symbol capitalization, media wrestled and game competitionization. This change represents the state of presence even if not presented. Knowledge reproduction develops into the reproduction of political strategy or special rationality. Knowledge has become protective equipment for elite stratum to consolidate their vested interests.
作者简介: (1961-),男, 江苏盐城人,哲学博士,长沙理工大学马克思主义学院副教授,研究方向为哲学基础理论。





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